When “The Secret” introduced the laws of attraction and manifestation, I jumped up in excitement. Caught up in the whirlwind of the manifestation phenomenon, I was hooked. I could just see all of it—- My new house, the millions of dollars, new cars, clothes. You know how it goes…
So, patiently I waited….and waited…and nothing happened.
What went wrong? The laws of attraction stated that if I visualized, I would see the manifesting of my desires come to be.
Well, they did not!!
Secretly disappointed, I filed the thought in the back of my mind as I slipped back to my old ways of thinking about abundance, and prosperity. Obviously, it wasn’t mine to have. The universal laws waved as they passed me by. Goodbye to my hopes and dreams.
However, I didn’t entirely abandon the ideology. The magic of the manifestation concept keep peeking at me, and I was intrigued. There was a piece of the puzzle that I was missing, I just wasn’t seeing it. So began my journey. I asked myself, Really, what is manifestation?
This is what I learned.
1. We attract and manifest abundance every day. It is not a magician’s trick. It is something that happens every day to each and every one of us. Just look around your environment and ask yourself: Of all the possessions I own, which one of them was manifested? Well, I am telling you all of them!!!
2. Manifestation is the result of our desire or intent to have or possess. In our desire we manifest. I desired the truck I drive, the beautiful farm I call home, my wonderful husband, and the rich and beautiful life I live.
3. The lack of manifestation is only dictated the limits we put on ourselves through our beliefs.
4. Manifestation will occur without fail if, and only if, we give energy to the end result and work(take action) towards the goal.
5. Sometimes it just isn’t that easy. Getting there requires trial and error. Expect bumps in the road. It’s just the way it is.