Some people are not able to go and enjoy their vacations, have several unpaid overdue bills, and live an unhappy life. As a result, they start feeling that manifestation and the law of attraction, also known as The Secret, doesn’t work for them. They have got stuck in this particular kind of mindset.
This article will reveal to you how to turn your mind into an INSTANT MANIFESTATION magnet and leave struggle as a thing of the past so that you can live a life you truly love.
Lets first look at what Croix Sather, International manifestation expert, had to say on, “Why doesn’t the law of attraction work for so many people? What can they do to make the law of manifestation work for them?
This is what he has to say:
“Did you know you have a third mind? You already know the first two levels of the mind. The conscious mind is our awake logical mind. When we say mind, this is the part of the mind that we usually think of.
The SUB-conscious mind runs in the background controlling our habits, automatic actions and responses. The subconscious mind is super powerful. It controls more than 90% of what we do. Almost everything we do is a matter of repetition conditioning. We follow the same routine when we wake up, we drive to work the same route, and let the same things distract us every day.
There is also a 3rd level of the mind.
The third level of the mind is incredibly powerful. I call it the Vibrational Mind and it is the conduit to manifesting everything you want. This level of the mind is virtually ignored everyone claiming to be a manifestation expert because most don’t understand the true power of the mind.
When you align all three levels of your mind, then and only then can you effortlessly and instantly manifest everything you want.
Imagine no more worry over money issues. No more feeling overwhelmed and stressed out about stretching your last few dollars. It’s time to stop struggling paycheck to paycheck and start thriving in abundance.
What is the Vibrational mind?
Imagine an iceberg.
The 10% of the iceberg that is above the water, that is the conscious mind.
The 90% that is below the water, that is the subconscious mind.
The water around the iceberg, that is the Vibrational Mind. It is what connects everything and everyone together through the vibration of energy.
Everything and everyone vibrates an energy. You experience this every moment of every day. You walk into the office and your boss is in a bad mood, you know before you even see him. You can feel it.
You walk to your car in a dark parking lot, and you “feel” danger, that is your vibrational mind sensing something.
It happens in a positive way too. You think of a friend that you haven’t talked to in a long time and then a few moments later she calls you to tell you the news that she just got a promotion.

It ALWAYS works!
The law of attraction always works. Whether you realize it or not. Whether you believe it or not. You attract your most common and strongest thoughts … AND emotions.